Computer Animation & Graphics

Wandling Engineering uses computer graphics and animation to assist in explaining complex situations.  Forensic computer models may be based on documented product data and information gathered from on-site inspections that are integrated with our engineering analysis. The resulting three-dimensional model can be translated into still visual displays or animated movie files.  By incorporating a simulation (a mathematical model of a situation or process) into an animation, the viewer is able to better understand the set of circumstances which affects product performance or machine failure.  This forensic tool has been valuable not only to the engineers while they are investigating an incident but also as a demonstration tool for non-engineering personnel.  Clients, third parties, and juries can better comprehend the case scenario when visual material is presented.

Our engineers utilize computational tools to assist with conducting analysis.  We use tools in finite element analysis (FEA), as well as in computational fluid dynamics.  Our software allows us to perform complex calculations to simulate how a product may perform in different environments or to analyze fluid flows and leaks.  Wandling Engineering combines experience, scientific expertise, experimental testing, and state-of-the-art computational tools to provide clients with sound insight in a wide variety of cases.